Ministries & Departments
The National Institute of Biomedical Genomics (NIBMG) has been established as an autonomous institution by the Government of India, under the aegis of the Department of Biotechnology. This is the first institution in India explicitly devoted to research, training, translation & service and capacity-building in biomedical genomics. The Institute operates from its huge 30-acre campus with academic blocks, student and faculty housing, guest houses, conference centre and other facilities. Laboratories, equipment (including flow-cell sequencers, whole-genome genotyping and gene expression platforms, multiplex suspension array platform, high-end computing platforms, FACS Aria-FUSION etc.), bio-banking facility, state-of-the-art tissue culture facilities and stem cell laboratory, office space and class rooms have been established. The institute is primarily a research institution with the lofty goal of ‘enabling’; they strive to understand the genetic underpinnings of all major human diseases, particularly those that are of public health importance in India, translate the research findings to reduce the burden of disease, and build a formidable team of enablers through collaboration and training.