Ministries & Departments
NCCR has been mandating to carried out all multidisciplinary research under the central domain: Marine Pollutions, Coastal processes and Hazards, Coastal Habitats and Ecosystem and Capacity Building and Training. These activities of NCCR are an integral part of the Ministry's mission to offer scientific and technical support to coastal communities and stakeholders for integrated and sustainable use of resources towards the socio-economic benefit of the society.
The programme of coastal monitoring prediction system has been co-mapped with NCCR, initiated by Ministry to monitor the health of coastal water and this programme amalgamated with the activity of ICMAM-PD, now located at National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Chennai. The institute aims to promote research addressing coastal processes, ecosystems, shoreline erosion, pollution, hazards, and coastal vulnerability to benefit society and environment, and to provide a long-term organisational framework to continue these research activities.