Programmes & Schemes

AICTE-INAE- Distinguished Visiting Professorship Scheme

The Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) launched a Distinguished Visiting Professorship (DVP) Scheme jointly with AICTE in 1999. The Scheme envisages promotion of industry-institute interaction by facilitating the dissemination of knowledge through the expertise of experienced and knowledgeable persons from industry to integrate their rich industrial experience with technical education. The Scheme has received very enthusiastic response from industry and engineering research institutions over the years. Since the year 2018, the scheme has also been made applicable to all retired INAE Fellows.

Programme Type: Academia Industry Partnerships

Ministry / Department: Ministry of Education (MoE), Govt of India

Eligibility: i) The Industry Experts should have a minimum graduate degree in engineering or an equivalent qualification. ii) The Age of a Distinguished Visiting Professor shall be in the range of 40 to 75 year. iii) The applicant must have minimum TEN years’ experience in Industry; and the individual must have distinguished work experience, as evidenced by development of products, technology, processes, patents, publications, awards etc.

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