Programmes & Schemes

Visiting Advanced Joint Research (VAJRA) Faculty Scheme

The scheme offers adjunct / visiting faculty, overseas scientist / faculty / R&D professional including Non-resident Indians (NRI) and Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) to undertake high quality collaborative research in public-funded academic and research institutions of India

Programme Type: Research and Development

Ministry / Department: Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt of India

Focus Area: Science and technology

Target Audience: Overseas scientist / faculty / R&D professional including NRI and OCI

Funding Agency: Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)

Eligibility: Scientist/faculty should be an active researcher working in a leading academic / research / industrial organization Indian Collaborator(s) should be a regular faculty/researcher in public-funded academic/research institutions.

Purpose: Research

Duration: 1 Month to 3 Months

Application Method: Online

Fellowship / Financial Assistance: VAJRA Faculty will be provided US$ 15000 in the first month of engagement and US$ 10000 p.m. in subsequent two months

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