Programmes & Schemes

Research and Development

Programmes & Schemes Views

Total number of Record(s): 196
Programmes & Schemes Funding Agency
Marine, Microbial Resource, Secondary Agriculture and Food Processing
Materials for Energy Conservation and Storage (MECSP) Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt of India
Mathematical Research Impact Centric Support (MATRICS) Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt of India
Medical Innovation Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Govt of India
Medicinal Plants, Phytopharma and other Bioresources Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt of India
Mega Facilities for Basic Research Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt of India
Methanol Economy Research Programme (MERP) Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt of India
Metropolitan Air Quality and Weather Service Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES)
Mission for Advancement in High-impact Areas (MAHA) : EV-Mission Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt of India
Mission on Nano Science and Technology (Nano Mission) Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt of India
