Programmes & Schemes
The 'Science and Technology for Women' scheme, initiated in 1982 to promote gender equality and empower women through science and technology, has benefitted over 50,000 women nationwide. Approximately 1,500 projects in diverse fields aimed at improving the livelihoods of women at the grassroots level have been supported. Around 46 women technology parks have been established as single-window hubs for the convergence of various technologies, integrated with forward and backward linkages. These parks have benefitted over 20,000 women, enabling them to build capacities in new trades and skills through scientific knowledge, leading to the development of women entrepreneurs. This programme supports projects related to the establishment of women technology parks, drudgery reduction, health and nutrition, minimizing occupational hazards, and livelihood status improvement, with women as the primary beneficiaries.Thrust Areas Innovative solutions and technologies for sustainable livelihood of women based on natural resources, farm & non-farm sectors; Novel women-centric farm/ non-farm practices; Use of advanced technologies e.g. AI, 3D Printing, etc. for addressing women centric issues; Biodegradable & eco-friendly technologies; Reducing women and child mortality rate; Addressing nutrition, mental and other health issues related to different stages of women‘s life cycle; Innovative hygiene and sanitation technologies; S&T based drudgery reduction; ICT tools and other innovative technologies for Women Safety, Education, S&T for Entertainment & Social security; Technologies to reduce occupation health hazards in different working conditions of women; Training & capacity building capacity building of women on the innovative & sustainable S&T solutions for improving their quality of life and livelihood