
Popular science events

National Science Day

Every year on February 28, is celebrated as the National Science Day. The programme was initiated by department to trigger science popularization activities throughout the country and to disseminate scientific education about the current issues of science and technology amongst the citizens of the country. The programmes starts around the national science day and activities like lectures, quiz, radio, television shows, open houses and debate etc. are organized around a central theme. These programmes are organized nationwide through the state S&T Councils, science and Technology Departments.

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India International Science Festival

The 1st IISF was held at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) New Delhi in December, 2015. The mega S&T expo attracted more than 3 Lakh people. VIBHA has become the Guinness Book World Record Holder for the successful conduct of the 'Largest Practical Science Lesson' by 2000 students from prestigious schools of Delhi. Indeed, the event was a great success with the participation of more than 3000 young scientists across the country. The 2nd IISF was held at CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi in December, 2016 with a view to improve their scientific understanding, temperament and appreciation for various feats in science & technology by showcasing Indian achievements. The 3rd series of IISF was held on 13-16 October 2017, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

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IRIS National Fair

IRIS National Science Fair is an outstanding example of public–private partnership initiated by Intel Technology India Private Ltd (Intel) with the Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India, and the Indo-US Science & Technology Forum (IUSSTF). The fair promotes and nurtures science and scientific research among young Indian innovators. It recognises and rewards outstanding projects. It provides a platform for winning students to represent India at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF), the world’s largest international pre-college science competition, held annually in the U.S.

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National Children's Science Congress

This is an opportunity for brilliant young scientists (10 -17 years of age group), started since 1993 to popularize the method of science. Innovative projects are selected for district congress, state congress and national convention. Each state also sends two delegates to the annual session of the Indian Science Congress.

The NCSC has been organized in almost all districts every year with more and more schools joining the activity. Developing an activity book, training workshops for guide teachers, evaluating the research projects and coordinating the district and state level conventions are enriching experiences for a number of organizations. More than 10 lakh children are participating actively throughout the country.

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