
Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences

Title :

Establishing a Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) in the Ganga Basin

Area of research :

Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences

Focus area :


Principal Investigator :

Dr. Debajyoti Paul IIT-Kanpur

Timeline Start Year :


Timeline End Year :



Executive Summary :

The project proposal aims to set up a Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) in a watershed of the Pandu basin in the Gangetic plains-meteorological parameters. Determine soil charactieristics and chemistry, and geochemical fluxes, Data generated from this project will be helpful to quantify various climatic, hydrological, and geochemical parameters related to the critical zone and will contribute towards understanding of physiochemical (and biological) process responsibile for sustenance of the critical zone. The CZO will also provide an opportunity to establish the necessary understanding of how the Pandu basin has formed, evolved and shaped today's envirionmental process on the Indo-Gangetic plains, and how it may respond to future changes.

Total Budget (INR):



detials mentioned in the column no.20

Organizations involved