
Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences

Title :

Geochemical flow stratigraphy, Age and duration of Deccan volcanosedimentary succession from Koyna drill-core site

Area of research :

Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences

Focus area :


Principal Investigator :

Prof. J.P. Shrivastava, Department of Geology, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007 Ph. 9868742144 011-27667073 Fax 01127666295

Timeline Start Year :


Timeline End Year :



Executive Summary :

Previous,petrography and petrogenesisoftheDeccan Trap tlowspenetrated by threeboreholesRtotal thickness = 3,417 feet) in Dhandhuka,Botad and Wadhwan Junction in the eastern Saurastra and Ahmedabad, Gujaratareasjresolved48 lavatlows,5bedsofagglomerateand 840feetofinterand infra-trappean beds(W est,I958). Studiespertaining to geochemistry and geochronology (Alexander,1981)and Sr isotopic compositions(Alexanderand Paul,1977)of190 m thick lava package (comprises of 10 lava tlows)in Sagarareawereprimarilybased ondrillcoresampes. ecen 'F--drlllz-d-1Qmr a-Bme-Hol'eM - (KBH-1), Iocated atRasati (Survey of India Topographic sheetNo.47 G/11 and 47 G/15 (scale 1:50,000)j near Koyna (-2.5 km SSW of Koyna Dam reservoir region) is unique of its kind and representsto a deepestbore hole thatextendsup to the base ofthe Deccan Traps,however,such details areyettobeascertained(Fig.1). Physicalfeatures ofthe coresrecovered from the borehole indicated thatthe lava package com prises of numberofIava tlows,often marked by avesicularand/oramygdaloidaltops(often brecciatealso)and underlain by fine grained massive basalt.But,no infra-trappean beds were noticed atthe base.These . + longestdrillcore samplesavailable provide unique opportunity to study sub-surface Iava tlow sequences tlow by tlow.Therefore,such athick basaltic package isrequired to beconstrained in to a stratigraphic fram ework.However,such studieshave notbeen carried outon K oyana dillcore sam ples. Asdrillcores are leastaffected by alteration/weathering,they provide more accurate chem icalcompositions,therefore these samples are ofgreatsigniGcance (whileconstruction ofstratigraphic framework and precise age estimates).However,Iateralcontinuityoflavatlowsiscriticalforconstructingastratigraphicframework. Systematic litho-logicallogging backed by detailed petrography ofcore specimenswould be undertaken in therecognition ofphysically distinctlava tlowsand theirtlow boundaries.'Asmajorpartofthe> , DeccanTrapsoutcrop(Fig.2a)ishorizontalorgentlydippingandinsomeareaslavashavebeen shown to have Iittle Iateralcompositionalvariation for distances of almost 100 km (e.g., Choubey,1973;Beaneetal.,1986;LightfootandHawkesworth,1988).Thethickpileofbasalt in the M ahabaleshwer area of the southwestern Deccan is stratigraphically constrained and geochemically wellcharacterized (e.g.,Najafietal.,1981;Mahoney etaI.,1982;Cox and Hawkesworth l985;Beane etal.,1986;Subbarao etal.,1988b;Khadrietal.,1999a;Bodasetal., 1988;M itchelland Cox,1988;Lightfootand Haw kesw orth,1988;Lightfootetal.,1990;Peng et aI.,1994).lnthisregion,elevvn basaltformationswererecognized and grouped into threesub- groups (Fig.2b)with a maximum totalstratigraphic thicknessof3.4 km (e.g.,Subbarao and Hooper,1988),howeverbaseisnotexposedinthisregion.DrillingthroughtheDeccanTrapsnear ' çCJ . Koynarevealeda-933m thick pileofbasaltictlows,underlain bygraniticbasementrocks(inproximity to the 1967 M 6.3 Koyng earthquakesite(Fig.1)j,reached adepth of95lm on January 17,2013 aùd furtherdrillingisinprogress(RoyetaI.,2013).Theorderofsuperposition inthissequencewouldretlect thatthe oldertlowsoccuratthe base ofthe BoreHole;however,such assum ptionsneed to be exam ined. Therefore,itis necessary to find outgeochem icaland isotopic characters ofthe -933 m thick pile of KoyanabasaltIava tlowsand atthe sametime itisalso necessary to understand chem icalcorrespondence o t ese ava ows wlih--that o -119--1-1 sou hw estern -eccan fôi-t-f-h-â-tlonrrM r 'e=sectionsr-'f-o establish nature ofgeochemistry and Ar/Arages ofthe firstlava flow and the clay-stratigraphy ofthe intervening intratrappen and bole sediments to find out possible level ùf the K/T boundary is also required.To understand the Iateralcontinuity oflava flowsand to characterizethem into distinctchem ical types,chemicalsignaturesofthe sampled tlowsare required to be exam ined.Presence ofdistinctive lava flows in the -933 m thick lava package requires justification from the major and traie elemental chemistry.Theintrazflow variationswould bestudied insomeofthe tlowsformostofthemajoroxides and keytraceelements.Basedon major-oxides,theseIavatlowswouldbegroupedintodistinctchemical types(e.g.high aluminaquartz normativetholeiite,high hypersthene normative tholeiite,diöpside andj . ' olivine norm ativetholeiite,olivine normativetholeiite,tholeiite,high olivine norm ative tholeiiteand high diopside olivine normative tholeiite).Some of the objectives might be to unambiguously sortout stratigraphic superposition, geochem ical evolution and ages of the Deccan province. Keeping these objectives,presentprojectproposalintendstostudydrillcoresoftheentireDeccanvolcanicpile.ltseems. drillcoresare the only'possible way to makesignificantprogress on furtherunderstanding ofthe Deccan Traps and its possible relationship with the K/T boundary event.The proposed stratigraphic studies, primarilybasedontlnetraceelementalabundances,theirratiosandisotopiccompositionsconstitutemajor compolientandwouldbeundertakeninthisprojectproposal.


Prof.J.P.Shrivastava lnstitution:Departm ent of Geology,University of Delhi,

Total Budget (INR):


Organizations involved