
Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences

Title :

Systematic, Phylogeny, Life history traits, distribution and stock assessment of cutlass fishes and snake mackerels occurring in Indian waters

Area of research :

Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences

Focus area :

Ocean science

Principal Investigator :

Dr.M.K.Sajeevan, Associate Professor, Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS), Kochi, Kerala

Timeline Start Year :


Timeline End Year :



Executive Summary :

Fishes belonging to Family Gempylidae (Snakemackerels) and Trichiuridae (Cutlassfishes) are closely related Family under Order Scombriformes and suborder Scombroidei. In India, information on Snakemackerels and Cutlassfishes is meager. Considering their importance to the marine fishery, the present study has been carried out by utilizing the commercial fishing vessel and research vessel data.Establishing the taxonomy and systematics of the species, to study the life history traits of Snake mackerels and Cutlass fishes, bring out the exploitation pattern and to suggest conservation and management measures were the main objectives of this study. Fish specimens were collected from the research vessel and local landing centers on India. The taxonomy and a key guide for identification of trichiuroid fishes were prepared from the current study. As an integrative approach taxonomic status of seventeen specimens were validated using phylogenetic tree, 12 sequences of gempylids and 18 sequences of trichiurids were deposited in the Gene Bank. For understanding the evolutionary aspects, the detailed osteology were also done and presented. Trichiuroid fishes commonly feeds on shrimps, crustacens and fishes. Detailed analysis on the life history traits of R. bengalensis, T. cristatus were studied and presented. The stock assessment of R. bengalensis and T. cristatus were evaluated using FiSAT software and compared it with the results of growth rings on otolith. Analysis on amino acid, fatty acid and proximate composition indicated that R. bengalensis and T. cristatus can serve as a replacement for conventional fishes. Present study provided information on systematics, age, growth, mortality parameters, feeding biology, reproductive biology, nutrient profile and exploitation status of the trichiuroid fishes. Most of the information provided in this study are first of its kind and will help in formulation of better exploitation strategy and thereby ensure sustainable exploitation of gempylids and trichiurids.


Dr. S. M. Raffi , Assistant Professor, Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS), Kochi, Kerala

Total Budget (INR):



Comprehensive review specifically for Trichiuroid fishes has never been attempted. Present study is an attempt for a comprehensive review of Trichiuroids fishes occurring in Indian water. Proposed study may lead to discovery of new species/new record of Trichiuroid fishes from Indian waters. Out of 20 species of Trichiuroids occurring in India only seven species were subjected to DNA barcoding. Present study will make an attempt to DNA barcoding of all the twenty species recorded from India. Most of the studies on the fishery and biology were done on Trichiurus lepturus occurring in different habitats around the world. No study or less study has been carried out on the species coming under Trichiurids. A comprehensive study on the biological and fishery aspects of other Trichiuroid fishes is highly important for sustainable exploitation of these resources. Hence, present study propose to carryout biology, fishery, age, growth and stock assessment of major Trichiuroid fishes inhabiting in Indian waters. Fishery of Trichiuroid fishes is limited to two to three coastal ribbonfishes. Deep-sea ribbonfish, snake mackerels, snoeks, gemfishes, sackfishes, escolars and the oilfish has got the potential to become major fishery resources. Lack of knowledge on their distribution, abundance and stock structure is a major lacuna for planning the exploitation strategy and popularisation of the resources. Proposed study will provide such vital information for identification and exploitation of resources.

Organizations involved