Life Sciences & Biotechnology
Benny Shilo Course on Developmental Biology (9th)
This course will focus on connecting molecular and cellular pathways to an understanding of the mechanisms that underlie animal development.
Bio-Statistics for medical professionals and non-medical researchers
The objectives of the workshops are to sensitise Bio-Statistical concepts, introduce Statistical Tools for data analysis, introduce Software for data analysis, develop skills in data analysis, and to provide hands on experience.
Biostatistical Methods in Medical Research
The objectives of the workshops are Formulation of research question, Study designs and research
methods, Principles and use of Biostatistics, Ethical issues in Bio Medical research, Protocol writing and publishing of research.
Vectors and Vector Borne Diseases (14th)
The scope of the conference covers epidemiology, clinical management and disese burden, drug resistance and new drugs, modern biology, genomics, proteomics, genetics and immunology, vector biology and control, insecticide resistance and management, and innovatione technologies related to vector borne diseases.
The Essentials of Stroke Care
High quality and timely stroke care from health professionals improves outcomes of stroke patients. This conference will bring together international experts in stroke care to provide insights into practical aspects stroke care from acute care to long term rehabilitation.
Biennial Meeting of Indian Society of Developmental Biologists (InSDB)
The Biennial meeting of the Indian Society of Developmental Biologists (InSDB) is a popular event that is attended by a large number of developmental biologists from across India.
Lipidomics of bovine milk under different seasonsand feeds
Evaluation of melatonin as fertility marker in Mithun (Bos frontalis) bulls: Effect on circadian rhythm and seasonal variation in semen quality parameters
Bio-incubator at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur
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International Conference on Sustainable Chemistry for Health Environment and Materials (suChem 2018)
SuChem-2018 is being organised to deliberate and understand the advances and opportunities of sustainable solutions in the context of chemistry, through collaboration between a multidisciplinary community of chemists, biologists, engineers and industries. The conference sets a perfect stage to get acquainted with global experts in the core areas of Catalysis and Material Chemistry, Organic Synthesis including Medicinal Chemistry, Environment, Energy, Health care and Agro-chemistry.