Physical Sciences
Carrier multiplication in electronically coupled nanocrystals and harvesting
Development of higher order accurate numerical schemes for Elliptic equation with various discontinuties & its application to immersed interface problems
Engineering molecular organic frameworks crystal structure and photo physical properties
Controlled fabrication of realistic nano-circuits using robust artificial peptides
Supramolecular high energy compounds: Synthesis, characterization and theoretical studies
Solar Analytics
The program encompass the combination of solar domain with the technology like Internet of things (IOT), Machine Learning, predictive modelling, forecasting, optimization which has to be understood by utility/solar plant engineers and decision makers to carve differentiator for their utility operations in resolving day to day problems.
Designing and Performance Evaluation of Solar Thermal Systems
The course aims to enhance the understanding of the designing, O&M and performance evaluation of solar thermal energy collectors; solar power tower for 50 kW thermal receiver set up, solar thermal power plant, solar thermal cooling, thermal performance of solar thermal systems.
Solar Analytics
The course aims to provide learning about Fundamental of Solar Radiation Forecasting , and its components. The fundamentals of solar radiation reaching to earth, its distribution and assessment methodology, Qualitative data assessment/control procedure as per international Standards, Uncertainty evaluation in measurement. Overview on Calibration of Solar Radiometers, its need, type and standards of Measurement Instrument, Calibration procedures by International standard, Uncertainty in Calibration.
Nano Science and Technology
The conference aims to provide a potential platform for the young researchers and students from across the country and abroad to keep pace with the latest development in the emerging areas of Nano Science and Technology.
Development of bismuth based materials for piezoelectric microsystem in robotic applications