Physical Sciences
Design and synthesis of various Ruthenium, metal-free Organic and perovskite senesitizers for application in highly efficient solar cells
Development of efficient converters for Grid Integration
Efficiency enhancement in thin film GaAs solar cell using Photonic Crystal as a back reflector
Development of alluaudite family of SO4- based cathodes for low cost and large-scale sodium-ion batteries augmenting solar cells in remote area
Role of nanotechnology in augmenting the thermal performance of a solar collector system integrated with PCM based thermal energy storage system for space cooling applications
High energy and power density rechargeable Lithium-ion batteries assembled with nanostructured electrons
Gravitation and cosmology
The aim of the conference is to bring together active scientists to take stock of present status in Gravitation and Cosmology and exchange ideas, as well as offer young researchers from India an opportunity for interaction with experts.
Canonical metrics and connections on KäHler manifolds and vector bundles
The school will consist of mini courses on calabi conjecture and its applications, pluripotential theory and its role in Kä?hler geometry & Gromov-Hausdorff convergence and L2 methods in Kä?hler geometry.
Physics and Mechanics of Rocks: A Practical Approach
The objective of this training programme is to provide the earth scientist and engineer with a foundation in rock physics to describe the physical processes that govern the response of rocks to the external stresses essential for reservoir characterization. The course will also offer practical guidance to help better analyze existing data
Quantum foundations, Technology and Applications
The conference has two modules: a two-day workshop followed by a four-day conference. The conference aims to provide a forum for the discussion of promising developments in different areas of quantum mechanics.