Physical Sciences
Optical fiber nano antenna assisted submicorn resoution common path optical coherence tomography instrumentation
Study of bent core liquid crystal systems
Structure of nuclei away from the ?stability line
Rare earth doped tellurite and borate glass nanocomposities for photonic applications
Design growth investigation of new multiferroic materials
Non-local correlations in nanoscale systems: Role of decoherence interactions disorder and pairing symmetry
Chaotic dynamics of Heisenberg ferromagnetic spin systems and its application to spin-transfer nano oscillators
Development of P3HT:PCBM solar cell containing Zn-A1&Zn-Fe hydrotalcite nanoparticles in PEDOT: PSS layer to enhance the efficiency
Dynamical behavior of nuclear systems formed via light particles and heavy ion induced reactions
Nonlinear pulse dynamics in dispersion managed optical fibers including micro or nano dimensions (OFMN)