Physical Sciences
Exploring flavor models in the light of the higgs precision data
Building next-generation Li-Ion capacitors by hybridization of Li-Ion batteries & ultracapacitors- An approach beyond intercalation
Design & discovery of multiferroic topological materials
Holography from null-infinity- Curious interactions & (How) do they probe black holes?
Novel partonic phases in the fractional quantum hall effect
Characterizing quantum computers- Entanglement in noisy quantum error correcting codes
Studies on flexible, quasi-solid-state supercapacitor using catholyte & anolyte redox additive in polymeric electrolytes with large surface area carbon electrodes
Semi-transparent solar cells based on multidimensional peovskite- Approach towards colortunability & ambient stability
Examining quantum transport & quantum entanglement in topological Weyl Semimetals & their junctions with superconductors in the presence/absence of high frequency light irradiation
Development of Spectrally Resolved white light interferometer for roughness and flatness measurement of engineering sample