
Agricultural Sciences


A Digital Dashboard for Wastewater Re-Use A OneHealth Approach to Determining the Impact of “Kere Sanjeevani” Project and Wastewater Based Agricultural Irrigation.


Agricultural Sciences

Focus Area:

Tele- Mental Health Portal


In Market

Social Benefits:

A solution to a complex interlinked set of problems, that of environmental rejuvenation, agricultural food security, pathogen burden and antimicrobial resistance. The data from this would be critical for public policy on a variety of fields including wastewater reuse, community health etc.

Developing Agency:

Molecular Solutions Care Health, Karnataka

Technology Readiness Index:


Brief Description

Description :

Real time geo-temporo-spatial heatmap and digital dashboard that tracks the load of certain pathogenic bacteria of public health relevance such as V.cholerae, S.typhi and K.pneumoniae and their resistance patterns to sentinel antibiotics, such as carbapenams helminth egg loads, and the levels of heavy metals such as Cadmium, Lead and Mercury along the chain of untreated and treated wastewater usage, in the water, soil and agricultural produce.

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