
Rural Technologies


Natural Floor cleaner from Citrus fruit waste from Northeast India.


Rural Technologies

Focus Area:

Frugal Innovation


Proof of Concept established



Social Benefits:

Social impact will involve the upliftment of the farming communities who will have a new angle of economic inflow which was not present earlier. Engagement of Self-help groups will also lead to a societal strengthening in a Sustainability prospect. New marketplace development will be seen in the natural floor cleaning and other home based chemical Product segment.

Developing Agency:

PlanetNE Naturals

Technology Readiness Index:


Brief Description

Description :

Citrus fruit peels have a tremendous potential in north eastern India. More than 200+ species are found here with each species having a different smell and sourness. The pulp is being used in day to day uses whereas peels are being wasted or thrown away. Focussing on the segment of chemical pollution in daily households and the hospitality industry, a natural based floor cleaning product is being made from Citrus peels. Also to make the product more potent extract of Elephant Apple Dillenia indica is being added. The results of the same are found to be very promising and has been done for the first time. This product is not only environmentally friendly but also helps in conserving the biodiversity around our households which otherwise is compromised using artificial chemicals in floor cleaning products.

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