Title: | PDKV de-seeding machine for custard apple pulp |
Area: | Agricultural Sciences |
Focus Area: | Drudgery reduction |
Developing Agency: | Department of Agricultural Process Engg, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth (PDKV), Akola |
Technology Readiness Index: | Ready for commercialization |
Brief Description
Description : | Existing method of de-seeding of custard apple pulp is manual which is time consuming and tedious job. The innovative de-seeding machine for custard apple pulp was the requirement of custard apple growers and processors. De-seeded pulp contains more number of flakes and the market value of pulp depends on the number of flakes present in the pulp. Developed deseeding machine gives 98.16% pulp extraction efficiency and 82.85% flakes recovery. This technology reduces the post-harvest losses of custard apple and farmer and processor gets more benefit. |