Title: | (A) Preparation of highly stable iodizing agent; (B) cost-effective iodizing agents and their preparation |
Area: | Chemical Sciences |
Focus Area: | Salt and Marine Chemicals |
Patent: | US Patent Application No: 12/086 542 |
Developing Agency: | CSIR-Central Salt Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSMCRI) |
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Brief Description
Description : | The present invention is directed to provide a novel iodized salt that is iodized by- the mixture of iodide and iodate in 5:1 molar ratio is used for iodization of salt and is shown to be a source of latent elemental iodine that can be liberated from the salt under acidic conditions such as that which prevails in the stomach. The iodizing agent is stabilized in the salt by adjusting pH to be in the range of 7.5-8.0. The said iodizing agent may be prepared cost-effectively through the reaction of pure iodine crystals with a suitable alkali |