Assessment of genotypic variability in nitrogen use efficiency and improving NUE in irrigated rice | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Studies on soil organic carbon status: Mapping and stocks in rice soils of India | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Utilization of plant growth promoting micro-organisms for improving nitrogen and water use efficiency in rice | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Microbial population dynamics in different rice establishment method in relation to nutritional availability and acquisition | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Studies on emission of green house gases from rice soils and their mitigation | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Evaluation of genotypic variability in leaf photosynthesis efficiency and its associated factors in rice | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Assessment of host plant resistance to rice planthoppers viz., brown planthoppers and whitebacked planthoppers and their management | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Insect plant interactions with special reference to rice pests yellow stem borer and gall midge | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Assessment of host plant resistance to rice blast disease and its management | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Assessment of resistance source and monitoring of pathogen virluence in bacterial leaf blight of rice | Agricultural Sciences | | |