Design and field evaluation of groundwater recharge structures for hard rock region | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Development of web-based expert system on agricultural water management | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Enhancing yield and water productivity of rice-fallow areas of eastern India through super absorbent polymers (SAP) | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Development and evaluation of mini pan evaporimeter for on-farm irrigation scheduling | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Evaluation of land shaping options for increasing farm income in coastal waterlogged area | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Assessment of groundwater contamination due to excess fertilizer and pesticide uses and its management in lower Godavari basin | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Smart water management system in agriculture | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Socio-economic evaluation of water related interventions under MNREGA | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Water management using artificial substrate induced periphyton biomass in zero-water exchange shrimp culture system | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Impact of water stress on growth and physiology of rice under different crop management practices | Agricultural Sciences | | |