


Title Area of Research Timeline (Start year) Timeline (End year)
Combination of Constructed Vertical flow Wetlands, Microalgae Photobioreactor and Microbial Fuel Cell (KIT) for wastewater treatment in small pig production farms Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences
Integrated solution for coal ash as a source of critical elements and as a substituting material for natural graphite and clay through development of some value-added products Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences
Artificial Intelligence and Earth System Modeling toward Detection of Extreme Climate Events in the BRICS (AIESMx) Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences
A BRICS Predicted Ocean: Roadmap and Demonstration of model validations, intercomparisons, and applications for sustainable management of the coastal oceans (PARADIGM) Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences
Monitoring and removal of antibiotics from wastewater by membrane separation Drug-Free Wastewater Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences
Hybrid Non Sewered wastewater treatment system for safe discharge and reuse (HyWaTS) Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences
Establishing/Strengthening of the State Climate Change Centre/Cell Under NMSHE SCCC-NMSHE in the UT of Jammu Kashmir Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences
Establishing/Strengthening State Climate Change Centre/ Cell under NMSHE [SCCC-NMSHE] in the State of West Bengal Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences
Proposal for Establishing/Strengthing the State Climate Change Centre/Cell Under NMSKCC/NMSHE [SCCC-NMSKCC/NMSHE] in the State of Nagaland Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences
Strengthening the State Climate Change Centre/Cell under NMSKCC SCCC-NMSKCC in the State of Telangana Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences
