1. Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune
Ministry/Department/Institute: University Grants Commission (UGC), Govt. of India
Focus Area: Astronomy and Astrophysics
Website Link: http://www.iucaa.in/index.html
2. Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIES), Uttrakhand
Ministry/Department/Institute: Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India
Focus Area: Astronomy & Astrophysics and Atmospheric Sciences
Website Link: https://www.aries.res.in/
3. Institute of Physics (IOP), Bhubaneswar
Ministry/Department/Institute: Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Govt. of India
Focus area: Physics
Website Link: https://www.iopb.res.in/
4. Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA), Bangalore
Ministry/Department/Institute: Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India
Focus Area: Astronomy, Astrophysics and related subjects
Website Link: https://www.iiap.res.in/
5. Raman Research Institute (RRI), Bangalore
Ministry/Department/Institute: Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India
Focus Area: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Light & Matter Physics, Soft Condensed Matter and Theoretical Physics
Website Link: http://rri.res.in/
6. Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore
Focus Area: Science and Technology
Website Link: https://www.iisc.ac.in
7. Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO),
Ministry/Department/Institute: Department of Space (DOS), Govt. of India
Focus Area: Space Science and Technology
Website Link: https://www.isro.gov.in/
8. Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Kolkata
Ministry/Department/Institute: Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India
Focus Area: Basic science
Website Link: https://www.iiserkol.ac.in/web/en/#gsc.tab=0
9. Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IISST), Thiruvananthapuram
Ministry/Department/Institute: Department of Space (DoS), Govt. of India
Focus Area: Space science, technology and applications
Website Link: https://www.iist.ac.in/
10. National Centre for Radio Astronomy (NCRA), Pune
Ministry/Department/Institute: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Pune
Focus Area: Radio astronomy
Website Link: http://www.ncra.tifr.res.in/ncra/main
11. Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad
Ministry/Department/Institute: Department of Space (DoS), Govt. of India
Focus Area: Astronomy and astrophysics, Atmospheric sciences and Aeronomy, Earth sciences, Solar System studies and theoretical physics
Website Link: https://www.prl.res.in/prl-eng/
12. Vigyan Prasar
Ministry/Department/Institute: Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of India
Focus Area: Science popularisation and Communication
Website Link: https://vigyanprasar.gov.in/national-campaign-on-annular-solar-eclipse/