Most important concern of the scientific community around the world are the misleading interpretations of these natural events. For almost all the cultures, everything goes out of balance with the universe during an eclipse and hence must be the ways of the humans on earth. The extremes of such behaviours have lead to the restrictions and the superstitious activities being performed worldwide. From refraining from eating and drinking during an eclipse to not witnessing these rare moments of the cosmos, these myths and superstitions are engraved in our behaviours. Here we try to debunk some of the popular myths and superstitions related to eclipses with the most possible scientific explanations.
#MYTH 1: Looking at a solar eclipse can cause permanent blindness
Looking at the Sun directly is harmful regardless of the phenomenon. The coronal light that is visible during an annular solar eclipse is blamed for this. But Scientists have studied the radiations from the Sun and could clearly state that a direct view of the solar eclipse could result in blindness. A Total Solar Eclipse, however can be seen with a naked eye. Nevertheless solar filters, projectors or pin-hole cameras are recommended for viewing any kind of solar eclipse.
#MYTH 2: One should refrain from eating or drinking during the Eclipses.
The restrictions on the eating and drinking during the eclipses are conferred to the poisoning of the food during the time period. The process of cooked food going bad in some hours is a natural and common event that we experience daily. The hardest hit to the belief is the raw vegetables and fruits showing no changes in their textures or tastes.
#MYTH 3: Eclipses are harmful for pregnant women and babies.
Most persistent belief in this modern age is that of Solar eclipse causing birth defects in unborn foetuses or miscarriages in pregnant women. The belief also traces its origin to some unfortunate events and stories of the past. Yet there is no scientific evidence that eclipses harm pregnant women or their foetuses. There is no particular harm to the foetus as they are at any other time in the sunlight.
#MYTH 4: Pickles should not be left uncovered during Eclipses.
During Solar Eclipse, the Moon’s shadow reduces the sunlight entering the Earth’s atmosphere and hence the overall temperature of the atmosphere decreases. This activates many different types of microorganisms which can affect the pickles and their tastes or compositions.
#MYTH 5: One should not opt for waterways during Eclipses.
During Eclipses, Sun, Moon and Earth are in straight line, which produces a strong gravitational pulls in the seas water and seas waves of high intensity can be observed. These tides and seas waves can be dangerous for ships.
#MYTH 6: Pets and animals should be coloured with orange colour during Eclipses.
The orange colour reduces the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays and other types of rays from damaging the skins of animals and pets.
#MYTH 7: Hang out black utensils on the roof during Eclipses.
Black is the best absorbent of all the electromagnetic rays and hence any harmful rays emitted during Eclipses are absorbed through these black utensils.