Life Sciences & Biotechnology

Life Sciences & Biotechnology

Innovative Young Biotechnologist Award (IYBA)

Har Govind Khorana-Innovative Young Biotechnologist Award (IYBA) initiated in 2005, is an attractive, career-oriented scheme to identify and nurture outstanding young scientists with innovative ideas and desirous of pursuing research in frontier areas of biotechnology. Young scientists up to the age of 35 years are considered for this award. Scientists without regular employment are also eligible for this award. A two-tier selection process is adopted for selecting the awardees every year. The expert committee may bestow the award to a maximum of 25 candidates.

Biotech Product, Process Development and Commercialization Award

From 2001 onwards, these awards have been instituted by DBT to be given every year on 11th May, the Technology Day in recognition of outstanding contributions of scientists / innovators / entrepreneurs/ Indian institutions and companies both in public as well as private sector for a new process, product development and commercialization of a technology or a product in the areas of biotechnology and biological sciences.


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