Physical Sciences
Design & development of dielectric barrier discharge based flat Vuv/Uv excimer light sources for advanced applications in health & medicine
Thirst for efficient anode materials for sodium ion batteries & all solid device assembly (A minor substitution to Li Ion batteries)
Bright radiation sources from intense laser matter interaction
Uniquely identifying Lorentz structure of new physics in semi-leptonic B decays
Brownian dynamics studies on depinning, melting & dynamics phases of driven partially pinned vortex lattice
Hole transport materials-free fully inorganic mixed halide perovskite solar cells via cost-effective spray method
Investigation of the phosphate & sulfate based polyanionic compounds as cathode materials for Na-ion batteries
Engineering two-dimensional nanostructures for drug carrier applications
Electric field control of exchange bias in Fm/Afm hybrid multilayers for energy efficient spintronic applications
Dynamically tunable resonance behavior in Terahertz metamaterials using 2-D materials