
Agricultural Sciences


Biosafety Research Level-II (BRL-II) trial of Bt Brinjal hybrids


Agricultural Sciences

Sub Area:

Agriculture and Plant Sciences, Climate resilient agriculture


Late-stage validation

Social Benefits:

Under the scope of the BIRAC supported work for I year, efficacy data of the Bt brinjal against target pest shoot and fruit borer (Leucinodes orbonalis), Information on yield and demonstration of agronomic performance of Bt brinjal hybrids as compared to their non-Bt counterparts and commercial check hybrids, incidence of beneficial and non-target insects among Bt brinjal and their Non-Bt counterparts and on insect infestation on Bt brinjal, their Non-Bt counter parts and Non-Bt commercial check hybrids was positively generated

Developing Agency:

Beej Sheetal and IARI , Karnal, Haryana

Technology Readiness Index:


Brief Description

Description :

(BRL-II) trial of Bt Brinjal hybrids containing Cry1Fa1 gene (Event 142) for their efficacy against Leucinodes orbonalis, Helicoverpa armigera, Ezophera Perticella and yield

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