Title: | Real time High frequency ECGs as a tool in the evaluation of chest pain presenting to the emergency room : increased accuracy reduces cost of care and increases survival rates |
Area: | Medical Sciences |
Focus Area: | Devices and Diagnostics, Cardiac monitoring device, Biopharma |
Status: | Pre-commercilization stage (Application and CDSCO approval for manufacturing is awaited) |
Social Benefits: | 1. Fully Indigenized Real Time ECG tool
2. Accessible locally and best for remote locations
3. Reduction of unnecessary tests and diagnostic cost
4. Enhanced ease of operation
5. Improved sensitivity than conventional ST analysis in ECG.
6. Increased accessibility, and reduced turnaround time & cost. |
Developing Agency: | Carditek Medical Devices Pvt. Ltd, BANGALORE, Karnataka |
Technology Readiness Index: | TRL 7 |