Effect of abuscular mychorizal inoculation on productivity of agroforestry systems | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Comparative studies on seedling and clonal plants of Pongamia pinnata with special reference to their adaptability to rainfed Dr.y agroclimate | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Evaluation and characterisation of different Leucaena germplasm at CAFRI | Agricultural Sciences | | |
TBOs based Agroforestry models | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Mass propagation of Industrial trees viz. Eucalyptus tereticornis, Casuarina junghuhniana Miq. Melia dubia and Populus deltoides using micro and mini clonal cuttings | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Integrated development of Jatropha and Karanj | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Functional genomics for early Dr.ought tolerance in Pongamia pinnata genotypes | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Socio-economic, energetic and environmental impact assessment of watershed and agroforestry interventions at Garhkundar-Dabar watershed in Tikamgarh district of Madhya Pradesh | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Economic evaluation of poplar and Eucalyptus based agroforestry systems prevalent in Indo-Gangatic Plains, India | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Structural transformation, regional disparity and institutional reforms in agriculture | Agricultural Sciences | 2017 | 2020 |