


Title Area of Research Timeline (Start year) Timeline (End year)
Studies of antioxidative and immunomodulatory effect of conjugated linolenic acid from bitter gourd oil Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2011 2014
Pattern of Th1/Th2 cytokines expression and in Asian Indians with chronic Hypo-Vitaminosis D and its change after oral cholecalciferol supplementation Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2011 2014
Role of music in non pharmacological management of hypertension Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2012 2013
Analysis of food logs from 6 states Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2012 2012
Nutritioinal and cardio- respiratory status of tribal children of Tripura: Development of reference standard for spirometry Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2012 2015
Rapid detection of probiotic lactic acid bacteria and assessing their suitability in vivo system Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2012 2015
Estrogen induced regulation of complement system in rat brain an approach to understand neuroprotective and anti- inflammatory role of the hormone Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2012 2014
Effect of a green leafy vegetable (Hibiscus sabdariffa L. calyces) on mildly hypertensive adults Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2012 2012
Validation of mid upper arm circumference (MUAC) for detecting severe acute malnutrition against weight for height below-3SD using as gold standard in children aged 6-59 months Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2012 2014
Regulation of fatty acid desaturases and transport proteins in pregnancy Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2013 2014
