Technologies for Societal Impact

Technology for Societal Impact

Rural Technology

Total number of Record(s): 3282
Name of Technology Developing Agency
Milk Chocolate with no added sugar CSIR- Central Food Technological Research Institute
Natural Oryzanol CSIR- Central Food Technological Research Institute
Preparation of Lutein rich multipurpose ready mix CSIR- Central Food Technological Research Institute
Protein, vitamin, and mineral fortified Chikki CSIR- Central Food Technological Research Institute
Punjabi halwa mix CSIR- Central Food Technological Research Institute
Ready mix - Cake CSIR- Central Food Technological Research Institute
Ready mix - Chakli CSIR- Central Food Technological Research Institute
Ready mix - Combination & Cake doughnut CSIR- Central Food Technological Research Institute
Ready mix - Dosa CSIR- Central Food Technological Research Institute
Ready mix - Flavoured flan CSIR- Central Food Technological Research Institute
