Physical Sciences
Enhanced ion temperature at solid density via laser- induced shocks in heterogeneous targets
Resonators in nearly?periodic nanostructured semiconductors
Spin current generation and detection using Ferromagnetic insulator/non magnetic metal (FMI/NM) hybrids
Photovoltaic (PV) based grid-interactive and off-grid electricity system
Novel semiconductor nanowire photovoltaics (NWIRES)
HT@LHC- Fundamental interactions at the boundary of theory, phenomology and experiment (
SYNDELGE- Microwave ssisted synthesis of proemimetics for the inhibition of the interaction of HIV- integrase and cellular cofactor
COR-SEIS- Contemporary Physical challenges for heliospherical and astrophysical models (CHARMS)/ national large scale telescope
MPI4LHC-Study of new particles with CMS detector at the large Hadron Colloider and heavy ion Physics using LHC at CERN
Falling/Rising Styles of Gravity/Buoyancy-Driven Disks
The talk will be on the nature and geometry of the first non-vertical regimes of fall/rise as a function of the disks’ aspect ratio and relative inertia and how global linear stability approaches and direct numerical simulations nicely complement each other to reveal the dynamics of this class of bodies, and more generally to help us improve our understanding of instabilities in fluid-structure interactions problems.