Physical Sciences
Cellular temperature of an optically trapped biological cell using an optical theramometer
Computation of general relativistic rotating magnetised neutron stars modeling X-ray emission and gravitational waves
Search of new semiconducting Heusler alloys for high temperature thermoelectric application
Entropic and active forces on confined polymers: Orgganization and dynamics of bacterial chromosomes
Unravelling complex ground state of rare earth nickelates and iridates using Tera Hertz spectrocopy in high magnetics fields and low temperatures
Develpoment of flexible-solid-state Sodium-ion capacitors based on Sodium ion conducting gel polymer electrolytes
Development of a cost effective femtosecond fiber laser with variable output characteristics for nonlinear optical effective femtosecond fiber laser with variable output characteristics for nonlinear optical imaging
To prepare and test tunable magnetic fluid diffraction grating
Development of rare earth modified Barium zirconate as an effieient proton conducting material at intermediate temperature
Theoretical study of electron impact double ionization of automs and molecules