Physical Sciences
Study of the magnetic properties and low frequency spin-dynamics of 2D spin-1/2 honeycomb lattice compounds by NMR measurements
Investigations on rare-earth doped CsL single crystals for Scintillation applications
Investigation of electronic transport properties in Mesoscopic systems using Random matrix theory
Unravelling ultrafast exciton- plasmon coupling in Au/Ag nanostructures on 2D few-layer Mo(W)S2 nanosheets for Photonic device applications
Magneto-optic and plasmonic respone in magnetic core-shell structure and magnetic multilayers
Spin seekeck effect in Novel heterostructures
Synthesis and magnetotransport of emergent dirac and weyl semimetals for Spintronics
Development of thin film solar cells with low-cost earth-abundant materials by inkjet printing
Macroscopic dynamics in ensembles of dynamical systems: Some challenging issues
To establish dedicated in-house Raman spectroscopy facility and study Organic-Inorganic hybrid materials