Physical Sciences
First-Passage Percolation
The program will focus on such general methods, including Busemann function and concentration-of-measure techniques, while keeping an eye on methods that may be carried over from the exactly solvable setting.?
Theoretical physics
This summer school aims to equip young researchers with skills required to use modern computational tools and to provide them a platform to interact with experts from different mathematical fields, including computer algebra systems.
Knot Theory
The aim of the program is to familiarise and enthuse younger researchers in India about the latest advances in the subject with a particular emphasis on computational aspects of (co)homological, combinatorial and polynomial invariants of knots.
Nonequilibrium Systems: Theory and Applications
The principal aim of this program is to bring together leading experts in these interdisciplinary research areas and, foster interaction and collaborations. A secondary goal is to provide a learning experience for students, fellows and young researchers.
Statistical Physics of Machine Learning
The meeting is to be held in conjunction with a set of three Turing Lectures, to be delivered by Professor Marc Mezard, and will feature invited talks by leading experts whose research involves an overlap between machine learning and statistical physics. The primary objective of this Discussion Meeting is to facilitate interaction between the speakers and participants consisting of theoretical physicists and computer scientists.
Quantitative systems biology
ICTS winter school on quantitative systems biology is focussed on Morphogenesis and will enable students from different backgrounds to become familiar with exciting developments at the interface of Physics and Developmental Biology.
Thermalization, many Body Localization and Hydrodynamics
This program aims to bring together researchers working in statistical physics, mathematical physics, quantum information and cold atomic systems areas to discuss recent progress in the field, and hopes to lead to collaborative efforts towards solution of some of the outstanding problems. Apart from technical talks spread throughout the period of the program, there will be sets of pedagogical lectures by leading experts.
Smooth and Homogenous Dynamics
The aim of this workshop is to gather top experts in these thrust areas to deliver expositions on the state of the art in these subjects. The first week will be devoted to differentiable dynamics and the second week to homogeneous dynamics.
Development of Graphene based conducting polymer nanocomposites for electrochemical energy applications
Investigation of orientation effects and shell-selectivity in molecular fragmentation under slow highly charged ion impact